The paper presents different ways to graphically interpret gene ontology (GO) terms for a small proteome of 20 proteins with high osmotic activity (OAP) from the blood serum of the Atlantic cod Gadus morhua. Term analysis was carried out in two ways — 1) using the topGO package (v2.46.0, Alexa & Rahnenfuhrer, 2021), and visualization using the ggplot2 package; 2) using the UniProt database and graphical visualization of the results in Excel 2016. The results obtained showed that the main part of cod OAP consists of extracellular “true” plasma proteins, among which fetuin, hemopexin and apolipproteins were identified. OAB are involved in the biological processes of hematopoiesis, proteolysis and development, as well as the regulation of metabolic processes. Their molecular functions include transport, hydrolase activity and inhibition of proteinase activity. When using the topGO and ggplot2 packages, the program code was unable to correctly graphically display all the data obtained due to the small sample of proteins. Data processing through DB UniProt gives a correct idea of the functions and participation of proteins in biological processes.
Atlantic cod, blood serum, osmotically active proteins, electrophoresis, MALDI, gene ontology, bioinformatics
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