Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
В 7 пробах с коралловых рифов у побережья Вьетнама обнаружено 40 видов нематод, причем 17 из них описаны как новые для науки. Наиболее разнообразны и многочисленны были виды нематод, относящиеся к отряду Desmodorida. Приводится иллюстрированное описание нового для науки вида Enoploides communis sp. n.

Ключевые слова:
Вьетнам, коралловые рифы, свободноживущие нематоды, фауна, новый вид
Список литературы

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2. Decraemer W., Coomans A. Scientific Report on the Belgian Expedition to the Great Barrier Reef in 1967. NematodesXIII. A description of four new species and a redescription of four known species from in and around mangrofes on Lizard Island // Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. 1978. Vol. 29. № 4. P. 509–541.

3. Gagarin V.G. An annotated checklist of free-living nematodes from mangrove thickets of Vietnam // Zootaxa. 2018. Vol. 4403 (2). P. 261–288.

4. Gagarin V.G. Microlaimus capitatus sp. n. and Dichromadora simplex Timm, 1961 (Nematoda, Chromado-rae) from the coast of Vietnam // Zootaxa. 2020. Vol. 4732 (2). P. 323–331.

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6. Grassi E., Mentefalcone M., Cesaroni L., Guidi L., Balsano M., Semprussi F. Taxonomic and functional nema-tode diversity in Maldivian coral degradation zones: patterns across reef typologies and depths // Peer. 2022. Vol. 19. P. 1–21.

7. Marzo-Perez D., Perez-Garcia I.A., Armenteres M. Checklist of free-living marine nematodes from Iardines de la Reina coral reef system Cuba // Revista Investigationes marinas. 2022. Vol. 42. № 2. P. 38–46.

8. Nguyen Dinh Tu, Gagarin V.G. Free-living nematodes from mangrove forest in the Yen River Estuary (Vi-etnam) // Inland Water Biology. 2017. Vol. 10. P. 266–274.

9. Nguyen Dinh Tu, Smol Nic, Vangelsen An, Nguyen Vu Thanh. Six new species of the genus Onyx Cobb, 1991 (Nematoda, Desmodorida) from coastal areas in Vietnam // Russian Journal of Nematology. 2011. Vol. 19. P. 1–20

10. Nguyen Vu Thanh, Nguyen Thanh Hien, Gagarin V.G. Two new nematode species of the family Diplopeltidae Filipjev, 1918 (Nematoda, Araeolaimida) from coast of Vietnam // Journal of Biology (Hanoi). 2012. Vol. 34(1). P. 1–5

11. Portnova D. Free-living nematodes from the depth-sea Hakon Mosly Mud Volcano, including the description of two new and three known species // Zootaxa. 2009. Vol. 2096. P. 197–213.

12. Raes M., Decraemer W., Vanreusel A. Walking with worms: coral-associated epifaunal nematodes // Journal of Biography. 2008. Vol. 35. P. 2207–2222.

13. Raehyuk J., Tchesunov A.V., Lee W. Two species of Thoracostomopsidae (Nematoda: Enoplida) from Jeju Island, South Korea // Peer. 2020. Vol. 8. P. 1–32.

14. Seinhorst J.V. A rapid method for the transfer of nematodes from fixative to anhydrous glycerin // Nemato-logica. 1959. Vol. 4. P. 67–69.

15. Tchesunov A.V., Nguyen Vu Thanh, Nguyen Dinh Tu. A review of the genus Litinium Cobb, 1920 (Nematoda, Enoplida, Oxystominidae) with descriptions of four new species from two constructing habitats // Zootaxa. 2014. Vol. 3872(1). P. 57–76.

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