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Abstract (English):
An experimental study of the effect of heavy metals cadmium (Cd2+), copper (Cu2+) and zinc (Zn2+) on the physiological state of the bivalve mollusks Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas. 1771) was conducted. assessed by the intensity of aerobic metabolism (respiration). determined quantitatively by the rate of oxygen consumption. It was found that short-term toxic effects of heavy metals on the functional state of mollusks lead to a decrease in the rate of oxygen consumption. and with a long-term effect — to closure of the shell and complete inhibition of aerobic respiration. The most toxic for mollusks is Cd2+.for which a dose-dependent effect has been shown. The indicator of a decrease in the rate of oxygen consumption by mollusks is used in the work as a biomarker for assessing the toxicity of the environment.

respiratory rate, oxygen consumption rate, functional state, heavy metals, Dreissena polymorpha
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