Russian Federation
The level of total lipids, content of peroxidation products and total antioxidant activity of the liver of brook trout Salmo trutta morpha fario inhabiting mountain rivers of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus was studied. The material for the study was 56 sexually mature individuals caught in 4 small rivers differing in length and catchment area. The Psezuapse and Shakhe rivers have higher values than the Kherot and Makopse rivers. Fish from the longer rivers were found to be significantly larger and fatter. They were also characterized by lower levels of total lipids, malonic dialdehyde and high levels of antioxidants in the liver. The observed differences between brook trout individuals from the studied water bodies reflect the influence of habitat conditions on the fish.
brook trout, liver, lipids, lipid peroxidation, antioxidant activity
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