In July 2016, a study was conducted on the macrozoobenthos of the Boguchanskoe Reservoir, extending from the Ust-Ilimskaya HPP dam to the Boguchanskaya HPP dam, including the lower reach. This is the first time that qualitative and quantitative indicators of macrozoobenthos in the first year of reaching the flood-control storage level of the Boguchanskoe Reservoir have been presented. After the regulation of the studied section of the Angara River, there has been a decrease in the diversity of invertebrates from 14 major taxa to 7 groups. Structural rearrangement of deep-water bottom cenoses in the river channel was noted, where the absolute dominant species was bristle-footed worms. The average benthos biomass along the reservoir varied significantly: in the reservoir, from 1.23 to 64.82 g/m2, in the former Angara River bed, from 0.39 to 31.37 g/m2, and in flooded areas, from 0.2 to 24.6 g/m2. More poor fauna, with biomass not exceeding 0.47 g/m², was discovered on the muddy substrate along the shore of the reservoir. Quantitative indicators showed a decrease from the upper part of the reservoir to the near-dam section. Maximum quantitative indicators of benthos were recorded in the central part of the reservoir, 6 km downstream of the Ust-Ilimskaya HPP dam (74.5 ths. ind./m² and 83.54 g/m²), and they were completely absent in the lower part of the reservoir in the area of the former vegetable gardens of the village of Prospikhino and nearest cuttings. Based on the results obtained in 2016, the reservoir as a whole can be characterized as a mesotrophic water body with eutrophic areas.
macrozoobenthos, Boguchanskoe Reservoir, Angara River, abundance of species
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