Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The territory of the Kerzhensky reserve is part of the wetlands of international importance, which determines the importance of the inventory of its fauna, in particular aquatic invertebrates. The paper summarizes previously published and new data on the fauna of aquatic, semi-aquatic and amphibiotic beetles of the reserve. The total list includes 90 beetle species from 10 families: Gyrinidae — 2 species, Haliplidae — 4, Noteridae — 1, Dytiscidae — 53, Helophoridae — 2, Hydrochidae — 2, Hydrophilidae — 15, Hydraenidae — 3, Scirtidae — 6 and Heteroceridae — 2. For the first time 31 species are listed for the territory of the reserve. Three species of Nebrioporus airumlus, Hydroporus acutangulus and Hydrophilus piceus are excluded from the list of fauna of the Kerzhensky reserve.

Gyrinidae, Haliplidae, Noteridae, Dytiscidae, Helophoridae, Hydrochidae, Hydrophilidae, Scirtidae, Heteroceridae, inventory, new records

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