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Abstract (English):
Studies of mycobiota of Nuphar lutea leaves in the estuary part of the Kotorosl River, located in the center of a large city, showed that phylloplane fungal complexes in 2006, 2007 and 2021 years form and consist of a small number of more or less constant species and a large number are temporary. Fungi and fungal-like organisms in all cases become participants in the primary stages of destructions of dead leaves. These are some inhabitants of phylloplane complexes, spotable to switch to feeding on leaf tissues, and new colonizers, the life cycle of which completely occurs in water in 2006 and 2007 years. In 2021 we found only poorly developed mycelium. Antropogenic impact on the river affects the species composition, and most importantly – the intensity of grows and the passage of the full life cycle of micodestructors.

phylloplane mycobiota, Nuphar lutea, destructors, antropogenic impact
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