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Abstract (English):
This scanning electron microscopical study of algae from lakes in the in vicinity of the Ust-Lena Reserve made it possible to obtain new information on the morphology of a number of representatives of the genus Navicula: N. phyllepta and N. phylleptosoma. A wider variability of the main quantitative (valve length and width, the number of striae and areolae in 10 µm) and qualitative (structure of the raphe) diagnostic features as well as the conspecificity of the two species were shown. It is proposed to reduce N. phylleptosoma to synonymy of N. phyllepta and extend the diagnosis of the latter.

Ust-Lena Nature Reserve, Yakutia, tundra reservoirs, phytoplankton, benthos, diatoms, Navicula phyllepta and N. phylleptosoma, electron microscopy, morphology
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