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Abstract (English):
Researching the example of several species from ecobiomorf group isoetids(Isoetes lacustris, I.echinospora, Lobelia Dortmanna, Subularia aquatica) we found a striking convergency of biomorphological, anatomical and physiological features in representatives of different life forms from different families (Isoetaceeae, Lobeliaceae, Brassicaceae) as well as orders (Lycopodiophyta i Magnoliophyta) of the Plant Kingdom. We discuss the rate of isoetid features convergency in representatives of different taxons with a predominant emphasize on Lobelia Dortmanna, but especially on a less studied (less explored) annual isoetid Subularia aquatica at the different stages of its ontogenesis. A resemblance of Lobelia and Subularia seedlings with their collet (collar) rhizoides presence is shown. Extremely wide aerenchyma development in all vegetative organs, including roots is presented in two forms: radial lysigeny and comb honey form.

anatomy, aerenchyma, isoetids, convergency, ecobiomorpha
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