Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper presents results of one of the stages of integrated monitoring new concept testing. The novelty of the concept implies a joint analysis of diatom complexes from bottom sediment columns and modern phytoplankton complexes. The Ivankovo reservoir was chosen as the object of research. The results of the water quality assessment by the saprobity index (S) are considered. Biomonitoring did not reveal significant changes in the saprobity index (S). In the analysis of diatom complexes from columns of bottom sediments, the differentiation between the coastal zone and the open areas of the reservoir was established. In the coastal zone, an increase in the numerical values of S was registered. Saprobization of the coastal sections of the reservoir is presumably determined by a combination of factors: unauthorized construction, overgrowth of coastal zones, etc. The main objective of the work was to demonstrate the informative value of the new concept of integrated monitoring in assessing long-term transformations occurring in the reservoir.

reservoir, anthropogenic load, phytoplankton, diatom complexes, bioindication
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