Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
A comprehensive assessment of the ecotoxicological state of the reservoirs of the Middle and Lower Volga was carried out using the method of biodiagnostics (biomarking, biotesting) and analysis of the content of heavy metals in bottom sediments. The spatial variability of the content of heavy metals in bottom sediments and the values of biomarkers of the state of oxidative stress in the liver of bream from different reservoirs was established. The toxicity of bottom sediments was determined. According to the results of the study, it is possible to arrange the reservoirs according to the degree of deterioration of the ecotoxicological state in the following order: Gorky > Volgograd = Saratov > Kuibyshev > Cheboksary. The Rybinsk reservoir in the area of station 1 can be taken as a background area in terms of anthropogenic load.

biomarkering, biotesting, oxidative stress, common bream, reservoirs
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