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Abstract (English):
In this paper, we restudy the morphology of A.subarctica low-frustule forms from the Volga reservoirs (Ivankovo, Gorky and Kuibyshev) using scanning electron microscopy. These forms occur as short colonies and one of them, by quantitative (colony size, valve diameter and mantle height, valve height/diameter ratio, number of areola rows and areolae in 10 µm) and qualitative (shape of spines, areolae arrangement of valve face and mantle) characteristics, corresponds to A.pusilla. The latter is a cosmopolitan species, new for the flora of Volga. A. Pusilla is very similar to A.subarctica by morphology and these two species are often found together that may cause problems with their identification.

Volga reservoirs, Bacillariophyta, Aulacoseira subarctica, A. pusilla, моrphology, electron microscopy
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