Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In 2015 year, for the first time in Russia, systematic investigations into poorly studied group of Coleoptera of the family Heteroceridae were initiated. Initial results (for the past 5 years) are presented in this work. Data obtained from these studies can be divided into several thematic groups: systematic acts, faunistic findings (including zoogeographic notes), and materials on bioecological features of heterocerida. Systematics: based on the examination of the type specimens of Heteroсerus kamtschaticus Egorov, 1989, its synonymy is with Heteroerus fenestratus (Thunberg, 1784) is established. The validity of Heterocerus fausti Reitter, 1879, and H. heydeni Kuwert, 1890 is restored. Faunistics: Augyles interspidulus (Charpentier, 1979), A. tokejii Nomura, 1958, A. turanicus (Reitter, 1887), A. marmota (Kiesenwetter, 1850), and Heterocerus kaszabi Charpentier, 1979 are recorded for the first time in Russia; lists and new findings of heterocerids species in the European part of Russia, Caucasus, Ural, West Siberia, Russian Far East, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tadjikistan, Uzbekistan, and Mongolia are presented. Ecology: for the first time, the composition and structure of heterocerid population are studied in the littoral zone of waterbodies in the north of the Lower Volga region; data on the biotopical diversification, seasonal dynamics and hibernation of some species of mud-loving beetles are presented. The position of beetles of the family Heteroceridae in food webs of riparian communities in European Russia and Mongolia is discussed, and the main trophic links within the Heteroceridae related communities are recorded. Symbionts of heterocerids are also discussed.

Coleoptera, Heteroceridae, systematic, fauna, ecology
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