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Abstract (English):
New data on chlorophyll content at standard stations in the Rybinsk reservoir, that continue series of long-term observations, were obtained in May–October 2015–2019. A fluorescent method is used in this study which makes it possible to determine the total amount of chlorophyll (ΣChl) by its content in cyanoprokaryotes, di-atoms, and green algae (ChlCyan, ChlBac, ChlChl, respectively). These taxa are the main contributors to ƩChl which show interannual and seasonal variation. In different years, the average content of ChlBac makes 2.4–6.6 μg/L or 24–50% of the ΣChl pool, ChlCyan – 3.1–10.9 μg/L (50–70%), ChlChl – 0.3–1.2 μg/L (3–12%). The distribution of ChlBac in the water column is generally uniform while the amount of ChlCyan decreases with depth. With the average ΣChl content for the growing season 14.8±1.0, 13.0±1.3, 7.8±0.6, 13.6±1.6, and 11.9±1.0 μg/L in 2015–2019, the trophic status of the reservoir varied from moderately eutrophic to mesotrophic.

chlorophyll, phytoplankton, fluorescent method, Rybinsk reservoir
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