Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The taxonomic composition of macrobenthos of Lake Nero and the mouth area of the river Sarah are shown. The main part of the benthos in the summer in the lake is formed by larvae of amphibiotic insects – chironomids, biting midges and mayflies. The macrobenthos of the lake and the mouth of the Sara River can be characterized as chironomid species complex. Relative to the results of previous studies, changes occurred in the dominant complex, a decrease in the total biomass of macroinvertebrates was noted. Together with a decrease in the species diversity, the only one dominant species (Chironomus f.l. plumosus) indicates a decrease in the homogeneity of the structure of benthic communities and its simplification. A decrease in the species richness, occurrence and density of oligochaetes was observed in comparison with the data of other studies. In contrast benthic communities, aquatic plants biotopes can be characterized as more favorable for both benthic and fitophilic invertebrates. The large number of invertebrate species makes it possible to evaluate the thicket as a biotope with very favorable environmental conditions. Rheophilic, limnophilic and obligate benthic species occurring here can coexist, rising from the bottom into thickets with a favorable oxygen regime, which allows them to survive in conditions of oxygen deficiency.

bottom communities, fauna, species richness, frequency of occurrence, lake
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