Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper provides the first results of a study of the qualitative and quantitative structure of the community of bottom meiofauna (meiobenthos) in shallow, hypereutrophic Lake Nero (Volga River basin, Yaroslavl region, Russia). In the samples, collected in early September 2017, 106 representatives from 16 systematic groups of aquatic organisms were found. About half of them had not been previously recorded in the lake's fauna. The species composition of Gastrotricha, Nematoda, Tardigrada, Acari, Harpacticoida, and Ostracoda was analyzed in the water body for the first time. The new representatives were also registered among Annelida, Cladocera, Cyclopoida, and Chironomidae, the diversity of which was previously analyzed in the study of zooplankton, macrozoobenthos, and fauna of the lake's aquatic vegetation. It is established that at the end of the vegetation season, the meiobenthos of the lake characterizes by relatively high taxonomic richness, diversity, and quantitative parameters. The average number of taxa in the samples and the value of the Shannon-Weaver index were 35±2 and 3.1±0.2 bit/ind., and the average abundance and biomass were 523±65 thous. ind./m2 and 3.2±0.3 g/m2, respectively. Based on the density index, the circle of the main (dominant) community members in the studied period was outlined. The major position among the dominants was occupied by the cladocerans Coronatella rectangula, the absolute and relative abundance and biomass of which at the stations reached 500 thous. ind./m2 (69%) and 2.4 g/m2 (47%), respectively.

hypereutrophic lake, bottom meiofauna, taxonomic composition, biodiversity, abundance, biomass
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