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Abstract (English):
Comparison of the distribution of aquatic vegetation in shallow hypertrophic Lake Nero (Yaroslavl oblast, Russia) in different hydrological conditions – during low water phase in 2002–2004 and water level rise in 2017 is presented. The total area covered by aquatic vegetation increased from 14.8 km2 in 2000–2004 to 15.8 km 2 in 2017. Correspondingly, the lake area covered by macrophytes showed its increase from 27% to 29%. The observed increase in the total plant coverage was mainly driven by helophytes which increased in the coverage area from 8.4 km2 to 11.2 km2. The coverage area of submerged vegetation during this period decreased from 5.4 km2 to 3.6 km2. Potamogeton perfoliatus showed the highest reduction in the coverage area by factor of 2.6 in the central part of the lake. In contrast, the coverage area of Ceratophyllum demersum and Myriophyllum verticillatum did not change mostly in the shallow, southern part of the lake. The analysis of literature and our data revealed that increase in water level due to building a dam on the River Veksa in the 1980s and impact of climatic factors had a negative influence on submerged vegetation. Thus, the high water level is one of the mechanisms stabilising the ecosystem of the Lake Nero in the turbid, phytoplankton-dominated state.

submerged hydrophytes, coverage area, alternative stable states, climatic factors
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